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gaysgodating male user
13029 Votes
GaysGoDating Review
89% Reply rate
2971 Users online
  • Designed exclusively for the gay community
  • Over 44% of USA members
  • Around 460 thousand monthly visits
  • Lets you buy a premium plan just for one day

GaysGoDating Overview

Bella Stewart
gaysgodating site

As the name of the dating site suggests, GaysGoDating is designed exclusively for the gay community. Here, men seeking new partners can find all types of relationships, from short-term affairs and hookups to deep commitments. But what exactly can this gay dating site offer a user? Is it worth using and paying for? There's no need to search for dating site reviews—you'll find all the information on GaysGoDating, its features, and prices from this guide.

Overall Rating
of 10
Easy of Use:9/10
Quality of Profiles:8.9/10
Numbers of Members:8.5/10
Customer Service:9.1/10
Safety & Anti-Scam:8.6/10
Value for Money:9/10
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Number of Members
Quality of Profiles
Safety & Anti-Scam
Value for Money

The audience of the site

Who are the users of the GaysGoDating website? They are gay men from all over the globe, but the online dating site is especially popular in the United States, with over 44% of members. Also, GaysGodDating has registered users in the UK, France, Italy, and Switzerland, as well as in other countries. As for the traffic, the dating sites get around 460 thousand monthly visits on average. Most members are in their 20s and 30s, but around 30% of members are in their 40s or 50s.

gaysgodating members

The first impression

GaysGoDating looks like a standard modern gay dating site. The design is minimalistic and polished, and a lot of useful information can be found on the main page. Everything works intuitively before and after registration. When you're redirected to the dating website as a new user, you get instant access to profiles and understand how the system works right away—there's nothing complex about it, so you'll hardly experience any difficulty even if you're new to this and have never been using online dating sites before.


The registration process on GaysGoDating is very fast and simple. It takes just a few minutes to create an account, and no personality test or some kind of quiz must be taken. A user only needs to fill in the following fields in the registration form that can be found right at the top of the official page:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Location
  • Email
  • Password

After you do it, you'll be able to add a profile photo (can be skipped). A photo must be approved, and a user can also opt for profile promotion—if you want to get more messages right after you sign up, you can use the Promote Me feature, and the users will be notified that you've just joined the community. Basically, that's all you need to do to get a GaysGoDating account.

After the registration process is finished, a free member can view profiles and use search. If you have specific criteria and want to find gay men who meet them, you'll be able to apply the following filters:

gaysgodating search filters
  • Tribe (Bear, Clean-Cut, Geek, Twink, Daddy, Jock, BDSM)
  • Age
  • Location
  • With photo
  • With video
  • Orientation
  • Ethnicity
  • Body type
  • Hair color
  • Eye color
  • Piercings
  • Tattoos

Note that on this platform, users with free membership plans will see a limited number of matches, while users with trial membership or premium membership can see all the best matches.

Also, GaysGoDating is one of the gay dating sites that offer an alternative to search filters and lets users find matches through swiping. Both free and premium members can use the Like Gallery feature to meet more people on the site and discover some great random matches.

gaysgodating like gallery

Though it may seem that this FWB dating site doesn't offer that many filters, in fact, the number of criteria is impressive. For example, in the Open To section, you can choose one or multiple filters among 12 different options, from affairs, open relationships, and one-night stands to dinner dates and hanging out. The same goes for the two other advanced categories of filters—the selection is actually better than on most other FWB & casual dating sites.


Considering that GaysGoDating is one of the gay dating sites where people meet and chat to then meet in real life, there are not so many advanced communication features. Members can start conversations via chat, send photo messages, send video messages, as well as like and favorite each other. There's also a special feature called Flirt Casts which are the so-called "flirty singles" or mass messages that will be sent to all your potential matches and allow you to get more attention on GaysGoDating with just one click.

gaysgodating chat

The mobile application

Currently, there's no GaysGoDating app, but the online dating site is mobile-optimized. GaysGoDating members who prefer to use their mobile phones instead of laptops and PCs can use the site on a mobile browser, and all the features, user profiles, and information will be available.

What does a free version allow?

GaysGoDating is a freemium dating site, which means that though some of the features are free, members still need to upgrade their accounts to use the best features. Nonetheless, a free version is available, too, and here's what members with free membership can do on the GaysGoDating website.

  • Upload photos
  • Edit their profiles
  • Use the profile promotion boost
  • View profiles (profile picture will be blurred)
  • Send likes and favorite other users
  • Find matches in Like Gallery
  • Contact GaysGoDating customer support

So, it's enough to learn more about this gay community, but a user needs to pay for a premium membership plan or claim the bonus (we'll talk about it below) to communicate with gay men on the GaysGoDating dating site.

gaysgodating male profile

Those who've just set up their GaysGoDating accounts can't communicate with others until they verify their email address and add at least one profile picture. After that, a user will get 5 free messages to send daily (photo attachments allowed). So, it's a kind of free trial, but those who want to have unlimited chats need to buy one of the premium membership plans, and currently, the prices are as follows:

  • 1 day — $0.99
  • 1 week — $0.89 per day
  • 1 month — $1.39 per day
  • 3 months — $0.69 per day

So, unlike many other gay dating sites, GaysGoDating lets you buy a premium plan just for one day to test the service. Unlimited messaging is one of many things that premium users get. They also unlock the following features:

  • Full access to profiles (you can see a full-size profile picture and the Looking For information)
  • Premium GaysGoDating support service
  • Media file exchange
  • Access to all the matches on the online dating site

In other words, all the information that was hidden and all the features that were blocked for free users gets unlimited after they upgrade their accounts.

Pros/Cons of paid subscription

  1. Not too expensive premium plans compared to other gay dating sites
  2. All premium features get unlocked
  3. Satisfaction Guarantee

Scam and protection

GaysGoDating is well-protected. Non-registered users can't view members' profiles, data is encrypted, and only safe payment methods are offered. Also, all the media that users share on dating sites are checked, and though there may be some fake profiles, they're blocked by moderators quickly. Also, all the information that members share with GaysGoDating can't be sold or shared with third-party organizations or individuals.

Customer support

There are a few ways to contact the GaysGoDating customer support team:

  • By phone — 1 (800) 734-5318
  • By filling in the contact form on the dating website (click on your profile photo and choose Support)

As we've noted previously, a user who has a premium GaysGoDating account will get premium support, while a free user may need to wait a bit longer to receive the response.


So, what's the verdict of our GaysGoDating review? It's a website designed exclusively for gay and bisexual men looking for any type of romantic relationship and arrangement, whether long-term or short-term. The policies are transparent, and the community is pretty active—if you are interested, you can create an account, use the site for some time, send free messages, buy a short-term plan, and then consider staying or leaving GaysGoDating.

Bella Stewart
Bella Stewart
Bella is a sugar baby with over 5 years of experience. She signed up for her first sugar dating website when she was 22, met many successful men, including actual millionaires, and now, she’s sharing her knowledge, secret tips, and useful insights into the sugar world with visitors of
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