How To Become A Sugar Daddy

If you're interested in sugar daddy relationships but know nothing about them, here's the first thing to know: it’s a satisfying and simple type of relationship, but that is something that works only for those who fully understand its rules. Here, you will find a full "How To Become A Sugar Daddy" guide — we will talk about:
- The websites to start with;
- The rules that have to be agreed on in order to avoid some common mistakes beginner sugar daddies make;
- Average sugar baby monthly allowance/PPM rate and more.
So, if you want to become a part of this world, avoid pitfalls, and have the best experience possible, read on.
Secret Benefits are good options for men new to the sugar bowl.- Quality sugar daddy profiles include at least 5 photos, a creative headline, and a helpful self-description.
- The transition from traditional dating to sugar relationships requires adjustment of attitude to prevent miscommunication, jealousy, and other issues.
- Sugar daddies and babies should agree on boundaries, limitations, and other relationship terms before or during the first date.
- There are multiple roles sugar daddies can try, from Mentor and Sponsor to Lover and Friend.
- Sugar babies expect a monthly allowance of $1,000 to $10,000, depending on location and the number of dates.
Being a sugar daddy: How and where to start
The first step when you've decided to become a sugar daddy is finding a sugar baby. The easiest and most popular way to find an SB is niche dating platforms. Mainstream apps like Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge may work for sugar daters, too. However, the number of matches will be lower, it’ll take more time to find a partner, and if moderators notice you have a sugar profile, your account will be suspended. Basically, that’s why most users seeking mutually beneficial relationships choose sugar dating sites.
Let's take a short look at some of the best websites for sugar daddies:
Sugar dating is getting increasingly common, and that happens for a reason. It has multiple advantages over vanilla dating, especially if you’re a rich man who knows exactly what he wants and isn’t considering long-term dating. But how exactly do you become a sugar daddy?
Here are 5 steps that will take you directly to your dream arrangement.
Before you start: Know what you want
First of all, you should set your own priorities. The desire to find an attractive woman just isn’t enough. What does your dream sugar baby look like? What do you expect from her? What would you love and what would you hate? It’s not about searching for an unattainable ideal but about the clarity of your desires. You can start the search only once you’ve defined what you want to find—that's how most sugar relationships that are satisfying for both partners start.
After that, set the price you are ready to pay for sugar relationships. How much should sugar daddy pay to his sugar baby? What do you want to treat her to? This information will be necessary for the further steps.
Step 1. Start the search
There are some of the best sugar daddy sites listed above, but what if you aren't so good at online dating? Are there any other options? Basically, a sugar daddy can meet sugar babies online or offline, and both ways have both advantages and disadvantages.
- Looking for babies IRL. Of course, you can meet attractive women almost anywhere, especially if you attend fancy parties and events. The only problem with this option is that not every woman wants to be a sugar baby, and if she's a sugar baby, you never know if she is single. On top of that, it's not always easy to approach a woman when you know if she wants to talk to you or not. Nevertheless, though it’s not the most effective method, it still works.
- Joining a sugar daddy dating site. If you want to have access to the largest pool of sugar babies, sugar daddy dating sites will work the best for you. Of course, there's a chance to meet an attractive woman looking for sugar relationships on social media sites like Instagram, but again, it’s about trial and error. The thing is, on such platforms, everyone's looking for the same thing—a sugar arrangement, and also, an average sugar daddy website is likely to have around 70% sugar babies compared to 30% of sugar daddies. So, in this case, competition is on the men's side.
Though people seeking mutually beneficial relationships can meet each other in real life, most men still prefer to look for the best sugar dates online for the above-mentioned reasons. Moreover, on top sites, you can use advanced search features and algorithms that suggest potential matches based on your expectations and desires. Sugar dating sites are also good because the whole procedure there is clear: you can see what a woman wants and how much she’d like to make, so you can make an informed choice.
Our tip: Make some effort to create a great profile, it's worth it.
No matter how good sugar daddy site is, a lot will depend on a member. Some sugar daddies think that a young SB will date them to make some cash anyway, regardless of how they look, talk, and represent themselves on an online dating site. It's not exactly true. Potential sugar babies know they can meet a weird man, a Splenda daddy, or a Salt daddy, too. The better your profile is, the less suspicious you seem, and the more attention you get from other members. There are a few more recommendations on how to become a top member on any good sugar daddy website.
- Upload at least 5 photos. You can add fewer pictures, but the more photos you have, the better. It seems obvious, but most sugar daddies think that ladies will reach them anyway, despite having a low-effort account. The truth is the most attractive younger women are picky, too.
- Add a headline that expresses your desires/current thoughts/mood. Be creative, but don't mention anything dirty—most young women skip such profiles as they believe they are created by guys who are looking for sexual favors, not a mutually beneficial arrangement that involves not only intimacy but also companionship.
- Make some effort to write a really useful self-description. Yes, it must be useful for a sugar baby. Providing detailed information on your preferences, expectations from sugar relationships, and specific things you are definitely into and absolutely not into will save you a lot of time. Also, that’s how you let a sugar baby know if she can be a perfect partner for you or not.
It might sound easy, but thousands of wealthy men ignore these recommendations, so this can give you an advantage over others. Have a look at the following example of a good profile—it will help you develop your vision of your own personal page.
And now, let’s continue our instruction with the next step.
Step 2. Remember and avoid these sugar daddy mistakes
If sugar dating is completely uncharted territory for you, it’s nearly inevitable that you will make some mistakes along the way. These are the 6 most common sugar daddy mistakes for you to avoid.
- Talking about your former partners, especially in a negative light.
- Forbidding yourself from dating several women at once. You can date multiple sugar babies at the same time. A sugar daddy status definitely doesn’t require you to guarantee loyalty to a partner, unless discussed otherwise.
- Being afraid to show your emotions and appear sensitive even for one second.
- Thinking that the monthly allowance will get you anything you want. There must be terms you both agree to, so you should follow the rules you’ve already set for your couple.
- Obsessing over your sugar baby and being unable to move on when things come to an end. What’s over is over.
- Becoming too attached to a sugar baby and demanding a regular relationship. Once you fall for a baby, your sugar relationships are over, and you start a new one that should be called another name.
First steps in sugar dating can be unusual, but, after all, you need some experience to get into this. So, the more you do, the more confident you feel. You even can find a book on Amazon about how to become a sugar daddy that can help you to start a bit easier, but being a daddy is still simpler than it may seem.
Step 3. Discuss your sugar relationships in detail
As we’ve mentioned previously, you should set priorities and boundaries, and a sugar baby is expected to do exactly the same thing. That goes for allowance, frequency of dates, special terms, etc. Discussing that is crucially important for both of you. In fact, it all begins with talk, so remember to discuss all the issues that matter. You can make some extra notes or even write down your wishes and then discuss them with the SB online if you’ve met on a dating website. Remember to ask as well: two parties should sign a sugar contract, and both must be satisfied.
Step 4. Go on a date
Don't stay for too long on a sugar dating site, even if a lady notes she wants to get paid for the first date (it's an adequate thing, a sugar baby wants a guarantee, even if she's going to receive a monthly allowance in future). Many sugar daddies say only an offline date really allows you to see whether you and your date are legitimately compatible. Online conversations help get to know each other better, but a meeting in real life is the necessary final step you both need to take before you have an arrangement.
Step 5. Remember to stay safe
Here’s the sad truth about online dating. Even on the best sugar daddy sites, you can’t feel 100% protected. Every system has its drawbacks, and all restrictions can be circumvented. So, you’ll need to take certain measures to have a safe experience, too. Don’t share your personal information with others, consider using a new email and phone number when setting up an account (some sites don’t even require such details to be shared), and create secret albums with private pictures if you want to. Also, never send money in advance.
These are the basic rules, and you can find more recommendations on how to stay safe when searching for a sugar partner online here, on
Sugar daddy types: Different daddies need a different relationship
Not all the sugar daddies want equal things.
Surprisingly, it's not even about sex in the first place—according to surveys, 4 out of 10 sugar babies have never had sex with their SDs. There are lots of sugar daddies’ archetypes—a man can be a “mentor”, a “lover”, a “friend”, a “sponsor”, etc.—the main difference between these concepts is the goals a sugar daddy has.
- A person who is looking only (or mostly) for a sexual relationship with a young woman in exchange for money or other material benefits can be called "Lover".
- A man who wants not just to have sex with a beautiful woman but to help her achieve her personal goals and share his precious experience with a woman is closer to the "Mentor" archetype.
- Daddies who fall into the "Friend SD" category have, as the name implies, different goals—they are often focused on becoming a friend to a sugar baby, on learning more about her life, and on helping her make the right decisions in life. The relationship such sugar daddies usually want to have are platonic, and yet they can involve sex sometimes.
- "Sponsors" are something in between—they support younger girls with money in exchange for sex (like “Lovers”), they can give some wise advice (like “Mentors”), and they often want to know their SBs better, just like all the “Friend” sugar daddies.
It's very important to remember that few SDs can be classified as 100% "Friends", "Lovers", “Sponsors”, or "Mentors" — it’s very common to see sugar couples where the daddy is both mentor and friend, mentor and lover, or lover+sponsor, etc.
Main rules of how to be a sugar daddy
First of all: yes, there are many rules, and we’ve started to talk about them earlier. Following them is extremely important to have a successful sugar dating experience—if there are no rules or if one side doesn't follow them, sugar dating will most likely go wrong. You already know how to start successfully; now, let’s discuss how to continue and maintain a satisfying and mutually beneficial relationship:
- First, agree on the contract. When it comes to sugar dating, there is no clear agreement on whether the contract must be verbal or written, but there always should be a contract. Discuss everything possible — the number of times per a certain period of time you'll meet her, the amount of the allowance, the duration of the arrangement, the payment methods (cash works best, just a tip), etc. The more conditions you introduce into the arrangement, the higher are the chances that everything will go as you expect. Don't forget to create a schedule — sugar dating is not like regular dating when it comes to unexpected meetups.
- Keep flirting under control, and don't start texting sexual things right away (unless it's in your contract or she initiates it). Many SBs note that a lot of potential sugar daddies are very sexually forward in their very first messages, and that’s not appreciated. Remember that sugar dating isn’t just about sex. Also, many sugar babies may just think you’re just one of the guys who are here for sexting and don’t need real sugar arrangements.
- Set the boundaries. Are you looking for an exclusive relationship with a sugar baby? In this case, you will need to discuss that and tell her you won’t tolerate other men in your relationship. The same goes for all other special conditions (number of phone calls, format of your dates, etc.)
- Be straight and honest about what you don’t like, and discuss the deal-breakers. In the sugar world, you can talk about the absolute don’ts openly and directly. For example, how would you feel if your sugar girlfriend just didn’t show up at the restaurant and then said she felt sick and forgot to warn you? And what if this problem occurs multiple times? Discuss this in advance to not be disappointed (and to not disappoint your sugar baby).
- Set the boundaries for sex, too. If you're going to have a sexual relationship with your SB, it's necessary to discuss this part of your sugar dating story. What does she like and what do you like? Are there any things you feel uncomfortable about? What taboos do you have? This is a very important topic to discuss because if you don't do it, conflicts and misunderstandings are almost inevitable.
- Never share your bank information. It's also not recommended to send money to the women you haven't met in person yet, but it's up to you — some sugar daddies prefer online-only dating, so if you're one of them, go for it. But, you should never share any financial or personal info, e.g., your credit card number, SSN, CVV number, etc.
The sugar dating sites have their rules, too. Of course, this applies not to sugar relationships but to the usage of the website. There is always a list of things you would be banned for. These are usually scam activity, offensive language, any kind of bias, sex work, harassment, sharing 18+ content on profiles, etc. Posting comments that reveal anyone's personal info is also forbidden, as well as sexually demeaning language.
How much does it cost to become a sugar daddy?
That’s what do sugar daddies do — they pay their SBs and exchange their financial gifts for emotional and physical companionship. But how much can you spend?
The allowance provided to the sugar baby can range between $1,000-$5,000. Many things affect the price, for example, the status of a girl in the sugar baby hierarchy, her location, the number of meetups, etc. The popularity, attractiveness, and self-esteem of a sugar baby are among the most important factors—in general, the more men find a woman appealing, the more her potential daddy needs to pay for being with her.
The location is important, too—the monthly allowance might be as low as $1,000-$2,000 in small cities, but it can be as high as $5,000-$10,000 in San Francisco, NYC (Manhattan), LA, etc. If you choose PPM (pay-per-meet), the number of dates will affect the total price. If you prefer to pay an allowance, you should discuss the frequency of dates before you make an arrangement, and that may affect the price, too.
Final words
We don’t want any misconceptions: sugar babies are perfect for any man. Again: sugar dating is a good choice only for successful, financially stable men who clearly understand the rules and who are ready to follow these rules properly. Rules and boundaries are the most important things for any man who wants to enjoy the sugar dating experience. If you are okay with that, it is quite easy to start by choosing one of the best sugar dating sites, for example, one of those we’ve provided earlier in this article.
With the right approach, getting a perfect sugar baby won’t require much time and effort. Moreover, there are lots of helpful guides for you to study. But you still won’t get the experience from reading, so if you want to try your luck with sugar dating, muster the courage to begin your journey.
- SecretBenefits
- AshleyMadison
- CougarPourMoi
- SugarDaddyForMe