Sugar Baby Tips For Beginners

If you are going to start your sugar baby career, you should know one important thing. Like in any other business and any other type of relationship (yes, sugar dating combines both) you can be more or less successful depending on how you make decisions. Our main goal is to provide you with all the information you may need to make the right choices. Here, you’ll find the essential sugar baby rules for a first-time sugar baby—remember them, and you’ll achieve all your goals.
- A sugar baby has the best chance of finding a generous sugar daddy on one of the top sugar dating sites
- The best sugar dating website at the moment is
Secret Benefits - Creating a competitive profile with multiple photos and a detailed bio is the key to success
- A sugar baby is likely to need to make the first move, and good conversation skills are incredibly important
- A sugar baby should develop realistic expectations, take care of her appearance and education, and be patient when looking for a partner
- A sugar baby should also avoid negative emotions, jealousy, complaints, demands, and other things that are usually associated with bad traditional relationships
Choose the right sugar daddy website
A sugar baby looking for the first sugar daddy relationship shouldn't underestimate the importance of the site where she expects to meet a partner. The better the user base, the features, and moderation, the better the chance of finding a good benefactor. Here are the top sugar daddy sites that are worth using.
Your profile is your best weapon against the competition
It's much easier for a sugar daddy to find a sugar baby online—an average sugar dating app or site; there are thousands and sometimes even millions of people interested in this particular type of relationship. If so, how to attract a benefactor? The answer is simple—get a good profile.
Create a catchy headline
You need to let your potential benefactor know what you expect and what you can offer in just one simple phrase. We realize it’s not the easiest thing to do, and it will definitely take some time to come up with the right idea, but it's worth it. The headline, along with a profile photo and your username, is often displayed on search results. You don't have to be super-creative. Something like "A sugar baby from LA looking for a benefactor and a mentor" will work, too.
There should be your best photos
Many sugar babies start with just a few regular photos from their social media pages, but that's not the best idea. If you don't have great photos, take them and then sign up. That's the first thing that men pay attention to. Basically, they impact the decision to reach you or contact another woman more than anything else. They don't have to be very sexy; there's no need to post bikini pictures and nothing but them, but your potential sugar daddy should see what you look like after you message him.
Never skip writing a self-description
New sugar babies often skip this step, but it's a mistake—you need a good bio to get enough attention on top sites. It must be clear and super-useful for a sugar daddy. The more details about your lifestyle, hobbies, goals, interests, and, of course, the type of mutually beneficial relationships you're looking for you provide, the better. Members also use this information not only to find out if they match each other but also to start the first conversation.
Communicate with sugar daddies
You’ll definitely need to communicate a lot. The thing is, in the sugar world, sugar babies often make the first move just because the competition is too high to wait until a sugar daddy sends you a message. Some sugar babies, especially beginners, think it’s a problem, but we’d recommend seeing it as an opportunity to develop your skills. The more people you meet, the more experienced you get. Also, some recommendations may help you avoid most mistakes newbies usually make.
How to start a conversation with a sugar daddy?
There’s no single scheme of formula that would allow you to start a conversation with any SD. Just take a very close look at the profile of a sugar daddy and find some details you can use to start a conversation. For example, if a sugar daddy was in a place you like to visit or dream of visiting, use this information to break that ice between you. The same goes for his favorite music, films, and even career—you can always ask him about his way to success. Be creative and write something that he can respond to, not just "hi, how are you?"—that will definitely help you stand out.
Topics to discuss with a sugar daddy
What makes a good sugar baby? It’s good communication skills and the ability to generate interest, too. So, you've met a lot of successful men. What should you discuss? Anything—guilty pleasures, college experience, favorite meals, books, movies, travel, friends, etc. There are some don'ts, though. In particular, a sugar baby shouldn't complain a lot about her problems (for example, financial ones), shouldn't discuss her exes, and we'd recommend avoiding controversial topics like politics if you aren't on the one side.
When to meet a sugar daddy?
Ideally, you should meet your sugar daddy once you feel ready. We'd only like to say that don't wait for too long and go on a date if he asks you out. After all, only when you meet offline you’ll see whether you are each other’s perfect match. Sometimes, it happens in a week, sometimes in a few days. If you feel uncomfortable talking with this man, maybe you shouldn't meet him at all.
How to succeed as a sugar baby: Dos and don'ts
Some studies define sugar relationships as companionship and intimacy in return for a monthly allowance or pay for a date. Basically, it shows what SBs and SDs actually expect from such relationships, but though it sounds simple, it’s pretty hard to understand what the actual rules of the game are. Below, you can find tips on being a sugar baby—the essential dos and don’ts. Read them carefully—they will help you develop the right strategy even if you don’t know much about the world of sugar dating right now.
Sugar baby advice: Do's for ladies looking for benefactors
Let’s start with some of the most important online sugar baby tips for beginners—the dos to get a benefactor’s attention, keep them interested, and get what you want.
Develop realistic expectations
The easiest way not to get disappointed and avoid mistakes is to understand what kind of experience you are actually most likely to have. Dreams and movies should be forgotten—sugar daddies are real people with their own real expectations and goals, and they are far away from what we usually see in romcoms or dramas. An SD will hardly be a billionaire from the 50 Shades of Gray piloting his own helicopter who’ll marry you in a year of dating. You may expect $200–$500 per date or $2,000–$3,000 of monthly allowance on average, and you have the right to be treated with respect. That’s the realistic expectation.
All in all, the experience is likely to be more like vanilla relationships in the sense that they can be very, very different, and everything will depend on the person you’re going to date and you.
Invest in your own intelligence, too
As we’ve noted previously, it’s not just about being physically attractive. Sugar dating is more like regular dating, and if you have nothing to offer but sex and your own beauty, that passion will soon fade away, and you’ll lose a benefactor. A successful sugar baby is a sugar baby who cares about self-development and self-realization, too. Conversations are supposed to keep going, so make sure you and your sugar daddy will have a lot of topics to discuss.
Learn how to be direct
We all were taught to conceal our emotions, hide our real intentions, and be polite at all costs. Telling directly what you want and what you definitely don’t want isn’t usually encouraged, but you will need to learn to express your thoughts openly and honestly if you want to succeed. Ask direct questions, and don’t be afraid to give direct answers. That’s how you can avoid disappointments and misunderstandings, and have the experience that will be satisfying both for you and your sugar daddy.
Remember that patience is the key
Don’t expect to find a sugar daddy the same day when you sign up for the sugar site. Don’t expect all guys to be nice or even real. Finding a benefactor, especially a millionaire, requires patience and even skill, so just don’t get disappointed if it takes more time than finding a partner on Tinder.
Show interest in your sugar daddy personality
When a sugar baby lets a man understand she’s not really interested in anything but money, if it’s only about performing your duty, that won’t last. As we’ve noted previously, a sugar relationship is still a relationship. Your genuine interest, emotional connection, and support will make an SD stay with you longer than with anyone else.
Rules of being a sugar baby: Things you shouldn’t do
But what about don’ts? Here are the tips for sugar babies to avoid mistakes.
- Don’t believe empty promises. There are Salt daddies who can promise Earth to you, but we definitely wouldn’t recommend believing them. If something seems too good to be true, if you hear excuses all the time or at least just once, just move on.
- Don’t agree to meet at his place. Safety should be your number one priority. Meet at a public place, and if anything, at least anything goes wrong, don’t hesitate and ask for help.
- Don’t expect a sugar daddy to be your boyfriend. Don’t expect too much—he must treat you with respect, but the rest is optional. The idea of a sugar relationship is to create a stress-free environment for sugar daddy. That’s what he pays for. Lack of attention, jealousy, control, and demands, that’s what he wants to escape, so be the person who gives him those positive emotions only.
- Don’t fall for your sugar daddy. When two people go on dates, spend time together, and have sex, it’s easy to fall in love. However, you should avoid it at all costs. Even if you hide your emotions, you won’t be able to avoid negative feelings, and you just don’t need that. Remind yourself that, after all, it’s a transactional relationship, no matter how great you both feel together.
- Don’t tell everyone you’re a sugar baby. Of course, it’s totally up to you, but you should consider the fact that sugar dating stigma still exists. People are getting more tolerant, but they don’t change in just one second—just set your boundaries and think about people you can and cannot trust. There’s nothing wrong about sharing with close friends, but perhaps others don’t have to know everything about you.
Though these are just sugar baby tips, understanding and following them can really help you become a successful SB.
How to be a good sugar baby: Hot so obvious recommendations and “sugar etiquette”
So, these were the sugar baby tips for beginners, the common rules you should know before meeting a sugar daddy. But what if you are going to start your first sugar relationship already? Here are a few more no less important recommendations:
- Don't publish photos with your sugar daddy or other men. If you discussed it with your sugar daddy, and if he doesn't mind you posting pictures with him, it's not a problem. However, in 90% of cases, sugar babies shouldn't do it. Moreover, you shouldn't post photos with other men, too, even if they are your male friends. Many men just don’t like it, even if they know you're not going to get married one day.
- Always have your own money. Yes, in a sugar daddy relationship, a benefactor is the one who pays. However, we highly recommend having your own money in any place, under any circumstances. Things happen, and you must be ready, always—at a restaurant, on a trip, etc.
- Listen to your sugar daddy. Yes, there's an arrangement. There are certain terms to follow, but a relationship (sugar relationship is still a relationship) requires more than that. Don't ignore something he says (or let you know by giving non-verbal signals) just because it's not what you discussed before you started dating. A good sugar baby is a woman a sugar daddy truly likes, a woman who brings him joy. It's not about ignoring yourself—you don’t have to do something that you’re obviously not into, but you find that line between self-respect and not allowing yourself to be moody.
- Never be late on dates, trips, etc. Punctuality is essential. Yes, you are dating, and you may feel like he's your boyfriend (having an authentic relationship is common; and even normal, there must be chemistry between you) but it's important to remember that he's a busy man and respect this.
- Always follow a dress code. You’ll visit fancy places and not-so-fancy places. Just dress appropriately, and don’t be afraid to ask what you should wear directly.
This is kind of good manners for a sugar baby. As you can see, there's nothing complicated—just a few things that will make you a great companion for a sugar daddy.
Final thoughts
So, this was our sugar baby guide, and we hope that you found enough useful information about sugar dating. Such relationships are in the so-called gray zone, and it’s sometimes hard to understand how things work. But still, there are the basic rules, and if you know them, you’ll be able to achieve your goals and avoid mistakes and difficulties.
- SecretBenefits
- AshleyMadison
- CougarPourMoi
- SugarDaddyForMe