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Top Sites for Sugar Dating
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How To Become A Sugar Baby Online?
How To Become A Sugar Baby Online?
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How To Become A Sugar Baby Online?

Bella Stewart
sugar baby taking selfie

Online only sugar baby jobs have become an interesting and popular thing. But do virtual sugar babies really exist? If yes, how much do they earn? Why is a sugar daddy interested in such a kind of relationship?

This trend emerged for not such a good reason—at the time of the global pandemic, people had to find new ways to maintain their romantic relationships, and sugar relationships were no exception to this rule. Everyone tried to adapt, and sugar daddies learned to get the same emotions when dating sugar babies online. But how to be a sugar baby online? Here, you'll find online sugar baby tips for beginners & the list of the best sugar daddy sites to start a first online sugar relationship.


  1. SecretBenefits and are at the top of our list of online sugar dating apps.
  2. Online sugar dating is more challenging and often less rewarding than offline arrangements.
  3. Sexting and online sex are typical parts of an online sugar dating arrangement, so a quality webcam is a must.
  4. $300 is the average monthly allowance online-only sugar babies can expect from SDs.
  5. Sugar babies can support multiple cyber arrangements to increase their income.
  6. Highlighting your interest in cyber relationships only is important to avoid misunderstandings and conflict.

Best sites to find sugar baby jobs

  1. SecretBenefits — 9.9⭐  — most popular sugar dating site
  2. AshleyMadison — 9.7⭐ — best sugar daddy websites for cyber affairs
  3. — 9.6⭐ — one of the safest sugar daddy sites
  4. SugarDaddyMeet — 9.6⭐ — exclusive sugar daddy website for people living in the 20 richest countries
  5. LuxuryDate — 9.5⭐ — one of the sugar daddy sites with video verification
  6. WhatsYourPrice — 9.4⭐ — sugar dating sites where sugar babies get paid online
  7. OurSecret — 9.3⭐ — a young and promising platform to get an online sugar baby job
  8. EmilyDates — 9.0⭐ — one of the best sugar dating sites for people seeking international relationships

Secret Benefits

secretbenefits site

SecretBenefits is not only one of the best sugar daddy sites; it's also one of the most widely used platforms. Basically, it means that if you join this website as an online sugar baby, you'll have a better chance of finding an online sugar daddy just due to a large dating pool. Moreover, the moderators on this platform have zero tolerance for scams, so you'll hardly meet a scammer or a salt daddy—all profiles are moderated carefully, and members can verify their accounts by saying the code phrase on video, while suspicious accounts are suspended. 

There are also great matchmaking features, Secret Albums, and, of course, a great online messenger for members.

Ashley Madison

ashleymadison site

AshleyMadison is a nearly perfect place to find a cyber sugar daddy online. The thing is, most members are married or already have a relationship and are interested in cyber affairs—there's even such a relationship goal and a search filter a user can choose and set. Moreover, it's also free for women—you can unlock messaging just by registering as a female user, and you can easily stand out on the site by making your profile really detailed. There's a great search and Secret albums, so you can add your revealing pictures and grant access only to the best matches.

sugardaddycom site

If you're looking for legit sugar daddies, is one of the best sugar daddy dating sites to join. Users can't join it without adding real pictures that are later checked by moderators, and that makes it not such a good place for scammers and catfishes. Moreover, most sugar daddies here prefer to verify their accounts. It's not as widely used as, for example, Ashley Madison, but all the users here are interested in sugar dating and nothing but sugar dating, so the chance of meeting an online sugar daddy is even higher. Like the above-mentioned platforms, it also lets users create private albums, send messages and winks, and, of course, use high-quality support.


sugardaddymeet site

SugarDaddyMeet has a pretty interesting concept. It's not just a regular sugar daddy site that accepts users from at least 40-50 countries—on SDM, there are sugar daddies and sugar babies only from the twenty most developed countries of the world. Therefore, there's a better chance to find a generous sugar daddy who'd pay you an allowance that you actually expected to receive. Also, on this sugar daddy dating platform, members can not only search, send messages and winks, and create Secret Albums but also comment on profiles and write testimonials.

Luxury Date

luxurydate site

LuxuryDate is another safe sugar daddy website on our list. Sugar babies can join for free, write really good profiles, use search, and send messages—the site has pretty much everything that good sugar dating sites are supposed to have, but the best thing you can also upload a verification video that can be viewed by any sugar daddy and reach only verified sugar daddies yourself. Support is available 24/7/365, the site looks modern and works smoothly, and the best thing we can highlight is that there is a big dating choice for online sugar babies.


whatsyourprice site

Whats Your Price is not just a regular sugar daddy dating site—it's a unique platform where sugar babies get paid for dates through the website. Not it's not an escort website—moderators work 24/7 to block the accounts of sex workers here. Here's how it works—a sugar daddy places a bid on a date with a sugar baby (the price starts at $5, but the average amount is $150), and if she accepts it, she gets paid, and messaging is unlocked. It's rather designed for people going on real dates, but you can mention you're a cyber sugar baby in your profile headline. The sums you can get will be lower, but you'll find your virtual sugar daddy.


oursecret site

OurSecret is one of the relatively new sugar daddy websites, but it's gaining more and more members worldwide. It's a modern, polished sugar dating platform with all the best features, and most importantly, real users who're really motivated to start a sugar relationship. On this website, you don't have to worry about safety and privacy—every new profile is carefully checked, you can make your photos private, and only safe payment options are offered. Of course, there's a great online messenger and lots of useful search filters, as well as unlimited access to sugar daddies' profiles.


emilydates site

EmilyDates is the best option for sugar babies who want to find a sugar daddy abroad. Unlike some other sugar dating sites, including some platforms on our list, EmilyDates doesn't restrict access for users in most countries of the world, which makes it one of the websites to date internationally. It's not completely free for a sugar baby, but messaging is not as expensive as, for example, on SecretBenefits. Among other positive features of EmilyDates is that you can provide information on an allowance you'd like to get and receive virtual and even real gifts, no matter how far you and your sugar daddy are from each other.

What does 'online only sugar baby jobs' mean?

When the global pandemic began, people started to look for new ways to stay close to other people without meeting them in real life, and sugar babies and sugar daddies are no exception. That's how the new type of sugar relationship, online sugar dating, has gained popularity (as it existed for years for the SDs who simply needed communication, flirting, or sexting.)

only sugar baby online job

Generally speaking, dating an online sugar baby is like having a virtual or long-distance girlfriend. A sugar daddy and a sugar daddy build an emotional connection online—just like regular sugar dating, online sugar dating involves companionship, support, and regular communication, but obviously, one of the most important elements, namely, physical intimacy, is missing. That's why sexting and online sex are also a part of online sugar relationships. Such kind of dating is also compensated one; however, a woman looking for an online sugar baby job is likely to earn less than a sugar baby who "works" offline, at least from one sugar daddy.

What is the main difference between regular sugar dating and online sugar dating?

The main difference is the absence of real meetings. It should be emphasized that a relationship in which a sugar baby and a sugar daddy just delay dates in real life to get to know each other better can't be considered an online sugar relationship.

sugar relationship online

In a cyber relationship, you meet online and keep dating online, but as in regular sugar relationships, the rest totally depends on you—you and your sugar daddy are the ones who set their own rules. In most cases, sugar daddies and sugar babies interested in such kind of dating meet each other on the best sugar daddy websites (whether regular ones or designed specifically for people seeking online relationships), get to know each other better, discuss the terms, and keep interacting online—that's the main difference you should consider.

How to become an online sugar baby?

If you're looking for an online sugar relationship, you should do the following:

  1. Choose a sugar daddy site where you can meet a virtual sugar daddy and that meets your personal expectations (has more verified members, is free for women, has special features to protect a member's privacy, etc.).

  2. Write a good sugar baby profile, make it very detailed, and add the best photos, the more, the better.

  3. Clearly indicate that you're into cyber sugar dating and focus on what you can offer to potential sugar daddies (give hints, don't write about sexting and virtual sex directly).

  4. Focus more on conversations, try to arouse genuine interest, show that conversation with you will never be boring.

  5. Make sure a sugar daddy doesn't mind starting an online relationship, and most importantly, paying for it.

After you find an online sugar daddy, just imagine you are his long-distance girlfriend and act accordingly—it's that simple.

How much does a cyber sugar baby earn?

As we've noted previously, "salaries" of online sugar babies are a few times lower than the salaries of sugar babies who meet their sugar daddies in real life. The rates, however, also depend on different factors—the terms of the arrangement, frequency of communication, expectations of both parties, etc.

sugar baby online earning money

A sugar daddy rarely agrees to pay for separate pictures or videos, however, you can find such a partner if you want to—it just takes more time, and you shouldn't expect him to pay $50 for each photo you send. A monthly allowance for online sugar babies starts at $300, $500 is a more generous payment, and the rest is up to a sugar daddy and a sugar baby—if he's incredibly generous, it's great, just be aware of fake check scams.

Online sugar baby tips for beginners

girl becoming sugar baby

How to be a sugar baby online and succeed? Here are some tips and recommendations that can help you avoid some common mistakes and disappointments on your way to becoming a cyber sugar baby:

  1. Don't think it will be fast and easy—most sugar daddies are looking for traditional relationships with sugar babies, so finding an online sugar daddy will definitely take time and effort.

  2. Take the best pictures of yourself—you must be a dream girl, albeit a virtual one.

  3. Don't think you will make a lot of money from one sugar daddy—you'll need to find a few sugar daddies to get an average sugar baby monthly allowance.

  4. Get a quality webcam.

  5. Remember that it's more challenging to make a man fall for you online. You should pay enough attention to self-development and learn techniques that make you more attractive in the eyes of a sugar daddy.

As you can see, there are things to learn before downloading a sugar daddy app or a sugar dating site, but for many online sugar babies, it's worth it.

Final thoughts

So, the rules of the rules have changed, and new sugar baby jobs have emerged or got popular. Of course, online dating is not as common as dating in real life, but the number of people who are into it is constantly growing. How to become a sugar baby online? Now you know the answer. Just choose the best sugar daddy site, follow the rules, be patient, and you're likely to succeed.

Bella Stewart
Bella Stewart
Bella is a sugar baby with over 5 years of experience. She signed up for her first sugar dating website when she was 22, met many successful men, including actual millionaires, and now, she’s sharing her knowledge, secret tips, and useful insights into the sugar world with visitors of
Top 5 Sugar Dating sites