10 Questions To Ask Your Sugar Daddy

Sugar dating is often imagined as a purely American concept. However, the truth is that even though it originated in the US and is no longer a novelty for millions of US men and women, sugar dating is also fairly popular in other developed countries. Popularity of sugar dating websites like
- Sugar dating is a very popular concept—websites like
SecretBenefits orSugarDaddy.com , for example, have more than 15,000,000 monthly visits. - In order to make your sugar relationship work, it's very important to ask the right questions—that's how you'll avoid misunderstanding and disappointment.
- The questions might be about sex in a relationship, about the allowance (cash/gifts? how much?), about the boundaries, about the exclusivity of your relationship, etc.
- Discussing all these topics might feel slightly uncomfortable, especially if you're a beginner in this kind of relationship, but it's very important to make everything work as expected.
1. Does your relationship envisage sex?
Both sugar baby and sugar daddy should reach a consensus in terms of their sexual ties. Is it just a platonic relationship? Or is it more like a friends-with-benefits issue? Or is it only about sex with no other components of a relationship?
The sugar couple should also agree on how often and what kinds of sex (traditional, BDSM, etc.) they are going to have.
2. Will you do sexting on regular basis?
Sugar daddies love asking their sugar babes for nudes. But is it acceptable for a sugar baby? If she doesn’t want it but the daddy insists, maybe it’s not a good idea to enter the relationship.
3. Shall the sugar daddy pay in cash or with gifts?
For sugar babies, it is crucial, especially for those who consider their sugar dating the main source of income.
4. How regular should be the endowments of the sugar daddy?
What does define a sugar daddy ? His generosity. And the more often he expresses it, the better for the sugar baby.
5. How much each in the couple is ready to invest in the relationship?
If a sugar daddy and sugar baby have different views on the devotion to the relationship, they might not end up being together. It is crucial that each in the couple is eager to spend a certain amount of time on their partner.
6. Will sugar baby be getting additional support for beauty expenses?
This is another question related to financial issues . If a sugar daddy expects his girl to take good care of herself, visit salons and dress up accordingly, it is better he provides for her appearance additionally.
7. Is there space for falling in love?
You can often hear the idea that falling in love is one of the worst things that can happen in sugar dating and is able to ruin the relationship completely. But the truth is that the unconventionality of sugar dating means there are no strict boundaries and the rules of regular dating may not apply. There is no guarantee that you and your sugar baby won’t fall in love and build a strong, loving relationship that may even end in marriage.
8. How much of the privacy shall each of you have?
Sugar daddies often have wives and reputations that in no way can be tarnished. If it’s the case, a sugar baby needs to understand that neither she should stalk her date in life nor leave traces of their relationship on social media.
9. Are both of you open for other relationships?
Some sugar daddies can be possessive and if they learn that their sugar babe has another sponsor or boyfriend, they may get furious and cut the ties. Therefore, a girl may find herself with no financial support. So it’s better to sort out everything at the dawn of the relationship.
10. In which cases shall you terminate your sugar relationship?
That’s the final crucial question that sugar daddy and sugar baby should ask each other. Can cheating be the end of their interaction? Or maybe it’s violence or abuse? Or maybe it’s when one of them falls in love? Clarify it and enjoy your sweet sugar dating !
- SecretBenefits
- AshleyMadison
- CougarPourMoi
- SugarDaddy.com
- SugarDaddyForMe